Simeon Henderson Brady & Annie Ostensen
(Parents of Annie Elizabeth Brady, Mother of Simeon Woodrow White, Father of Alan J White)
(Parents of Annie Elizabeth Brady, Mother of Simeon Woodrow White, Father of Alan J White)
was a talented musician. He played the fife for a number of years in the
Marshall Band. It was the only band that furnished musical entertainment in the
area for many years. He also played the harmonica and the violin very well. He
especially liked to play “Turkey in the Straw”. He loved people and liked to
have a good time. He was an excellent performer in vaudevilles and theatres,
and he was a good leader. He called for square dances as he had a very strong
voice. He was somewhat of a clown in his
younger days, doing tricks and stunts. He turned hand springs and
cartwheels around the edge of a wagon box while they drove the team in the 4th
of July parade.
Annie’s parents were both converts to the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints who emigrated from Norway to be with the Saints in Utah. She
married Simeon Henderson Brady in 1881. Five years later they moved to the
“Devil’s Gate” farm. Annie was the mother of 13 Children whom she dearly loved.
Three of the children died as children. All the other children lived to marry and
raise families of their own. Annie was a very industrious woman; a good cook,
wife and mother. She was gentle and unassuming.